Information about daily routine in the Kindergarten
Kindergarten concept, organizational information for parents
Dear Parents,
The time in kindergarten should be a joy for your child and a relief for you. You can help achieve this. Please read the following information carefully. Many Thanks.
Please give your child the following: You will receive further information for the "Babyschnuppen" and the shooting stars children from the group teachers
- a shoulder bag or a backpack
- Spare clothes that remain in the kindergarten (please check the size regularly, Children grow fast)
- a bread tin with a healthy breakfast, such as a sandwich, fruit, vegetables, cereals, muesli etc. and / or yoghurt. Please also provide enough for a second snack in the morning. Please avoid sweets of any kind.
- a water bottle, (drinking water is available in each group room in a water dispenser)
- Slippers, suitable for summer or winter
In the swimming season from April up to and including September, your child from the age of 4 should also have swimwear with them on the respective swimming days. Please also bring sunscreen, a towel and a comb. We recommend that your children wear swim shirts with UV protection to prevent skin damage.
In the sports season from October to April, however, your child from 3 years of age should bring loose sportswear and sneakers on the respective sports day. (Please refer to the weekly schedule for swimming and sports times)
To avoid confusion and loss, please label all private items with your child's name. These include the bread can and water bottle, but also jackets, T-shirts, shoes and other items of clothing. They help to assign and return found items more quickly.
Opening hours
The kindergarten is open Monday to Friday from 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. All children should arrive in their respective groups by 8:30 a.m. at the latest. Children who are not registered for the afternoon program, "Baby Schnuppen" and shooting stars children go home by 1:15 pm at the latest.
All-day care
After the rest period till 2 p.m., there are AG offers on various areas of interest. You will be informed about the respective AG offers before the start of the school year. After receiving this information, it is important, that you register your child for afternoon care immediately. The basic package for Kindergarten care from 3 years of age includes one afternoon program of your choice. The fees for further afternoon care after 1:15 p.m. are charged in the regular half-yearly kindergarten bill. The tariffs of the current fee schedule apply.
Bringing and picking up
Please always pick up your child on time. Unnecessary waiting can frighten children. If you do not manage to pick up your child from kindergarten on time, please notify the group educators (SMS) and the secretariat ( immediately. Please note that the teachers do not accept any phone calls during group hours. Children who come privately must be brought to kindergarten. Please make sure that your child's arrival was noticed by the educator. In order not to disturb the morning circles, which are important for the children to get off to a good start on the kindergarten day, please arrive at the kindergarten by 8:30 a.m. at the latest.
Please let us know if your child is unable to come to kindergarten. In this case, send a short note to the secretariat by email. An additional SMS to the respective group educators also helps us to see the group situation in the morning.
Bus use / pick-up authorization
Children from the age of 3years, who take the school bus, are brought to the group rooms by the respective bus escort. On the return trip, she brings the children back to the buses.
Children can only be picked up by people who can show a valid pick-up ID. These badges and school IDs are issued by the administration. If your child is invited to another child and does not go home the usual way after kindergarten, please notify us in writing by 4 p.m one day in advance, mentioning the date of the event, copied to the administration, by e-mail ( and the group educators.
We will inform you in advance about planned excursions and visits that we will undertake with children. You will receive relevant information by email. Please always send these information back to us immediately as "acknowledged".
Sick children
Sick children cannot come to kindergarten. The sick child must fully recover from the disease before joining Kindergarten again. This also applies in particular to the swimming and sports days. Infecting other children and spreading the disease must also be avoided. If your child falls ill with a serious, contagious disease (e.g. rubella, mumps, typhoid, etc.), you are obliged to notify the school at once.
If a child falls ill or does not feel well during kindergarten, we reserve the right to send them home immediately. It is therefore necessary that you can be reached by us and that the telephone numbers you have stored with us are up to date.
Own toys
Your children are allowed to bring their own toys on “Toy Day” (see weekly schedule) if they wish. Please discuss with your child which toy (please only one) they would like to bring with them. Your child should be ready to introduce their toys and share them with the children in the group. The kindergarten assumes no liability for the toys brought along.
Sharing Breakfast
On Wednesdays ( for Sternschnuppen) and on Tuesdays for Kindergarten) there is a "breakfast to share" in all groups. All the food brought by the children is covered for all children. Your child should decide together with you at home which healthy food they would like to bring with them on this day, e.g. fruit, vegetables (please already washed), boiled eggs, muesli, bread toppings and spreads, pancakes, quark dishes, yoghurt, juice, etc.
Birthday parties
We celebrate your child's birthday in a group with a small ritual. On this day, your child can bring cakes or something sweet for everyone.
Please check your children's pockets, and backpacks every day. They often bring their painted and handcrafted works home with or small Kindergarten toys find their ways into them…. In addition, there could be invitations, a change of clothes, etc. in it.
You will receive all current information via the email address you provided. Please be sure to read the school information as well, as it contains important information on the entire school and kindergarten process. Holiday regulations, bus use, communication structures, regulations, current information and much more are equally valid for school and kindergarten.
Please keep yourself up to date by visiting the school website on a regular basis. The kindergarten regularly publishes news from the kindergarten program there.
We also offer parenting meetings. You can make appointments for this with the group teachers. You can also arrange meetings with the kindergarten management at any time with Ms. Hussain,
We thank you for your help and support and look forward to an eventful year in kindergarten.
Carmen Hussain,
August 2022
Apr 01
Apr 05
Apr 09
Apr 14
Apr 25