Baking activity

english News

09th April 2024

In the month of february we received a visit from the project„learn for life“a project school in Varanasi, which has been initiated by the in Delhi residing German Baker Michael Schmitt, who also runs a German Bakery. The approximate number of 17 students presented themselves before the fourth and fith graders of the DSND and had been called to particpate in baking and preparing Bretzel after an introduccion. From the making of the dough, the distribution of the dough , the right technique in the folding of the bretzelform, the dipping into the „Lauge“ until the baking procedure, every single step the students could follow and particpate in the procedures themselves. In the end the self baked bretzel had been eaten with great enjoyment. As a consequence this had been a small but very nice activity, so that DSND students and students from India could interchange and get to know each other a little more. Thank you for your visit!