Holocaust Remembrance Day

english News

28th April 2024

On Tuesday, January 30th 2024, the class 9 of the German Embassy School New Delhi assembled in front of the Alliance Française. We were invited to participate at the Holocaust Remembrance Day. When we arrived at the Alliance Française at 10 a.m. there was a warm and kind welcome. During the first 25-30 minutes you could wander through a small exhibition of stories about the lives of women during World War II. The stories gave a good insight into the women's lives. After that, we were admitted into the auditorium with two other classes, an Indian class from an international school and students from the French school.

First we were shown a short documentary to clarify the term Holocaust. After this very informative movie, we watched another video. An animated film, based on a true story. The film showed the life of a Jewish child during World War II and the dreams it had. We analysed this short film and we shared our thoughts. I personally had an interesting discussion with two girls from the international school. We discussed our thoughts regarding the film.

In the final part of the event, selected passages from Anne Frank's diary were read out. We then discussed these individual passages and the development of Anne Frank during the diary. Later on we were allowed to ask two experts various questions about the Holocaust. Then the event came to an end.

I really think that our participation at the Holocaust Remembrance Day was an important  experience. It was very informative and gave me a deeper insight on the subject of the Holocaust. It was an impressive event, which will be remembered for a long time.

James Garraux


Mino Kim (Translation)