Teachers' breakfast

english News

19th May 2024

On March 18, the long-awaited teachers' breakfast was presented in the new cinema hall. Many parents had contributed all kinds of tasty, hearty and sweet treats to an impressive buffet, so that this delicious meal could be consumed by all the teacher staff during the first lesson, as the parents took over the supervision of their children.

Once again, it was made clear what a good job the teachers at the school were doing and that you could entrust your offspring to the teachers from kindergarten to upper school without any worries. On behalf of the parents' council, Mrs. Langer and Mrs. Thakur thanked everyone and symbolically presented Mrs. Kulow, as deputy principal, with a thank-you flower pot and a special drinking bottle as a gift, which all the other teachers and educators were then also able to receive. Once again, this successful campaign showed the solidarity of the parents with the school and the beautiful gestures that are possible during the year.