This year's project week was all about Germany.
In four different projects, the students were able to deal with a specific aspect of the topic depending on their area of interest.
In the country puzzle project, the children got to know the geographical aspects of Germany and created a large puzzle.
Another project revolved around famous German-speaking personalities. Whether athletes, scientists or politicians, there were interesting people for every child, about whom the children of the project created small books.
Another group dealt with the famous Grimm fairy tales. They got to know fairy tales, played and invented games and mastered artistic tasks.
The last group wanted to find out what is typically German. They pursued the question with interviews in the school community, information from books and films. They not only found interesting answers, but also tried baking bread and pretzels themselves. The students made their first stop motion movies with the typically German garden gnomes. You can watch those, by selecting and scanning the QR codes.