Wonderful Forest

english News

28th April 2024

Last Wednesday, primary school pupils arrived at school with excitement and a lot of luggage.

They were preparing for the big primary school sleepover, which was themed 'Wonderful Forest' this year. After settling in, the children went to Sanjay Van, where they eagerly searched for colourful leaves, flowers and fruits in small groups, equipped with a list of tasks. Among the animals spotted were wild boars, which fled from the group of children into the bushes. During the excursion, the children had the opportunity to observe various animals using binoculars and magnifying glasses.

Additionally, the children engaged in creative activities such as making mandalas from natural materials and creating artistic patterns from leaves, twigs, and flowers on Peacock Hill.

The excursion also provided ample opportunities for playing and climbing in nature.

After recording the results on posters, they were presented to the primary school pupils.

At the end of the day, the pupils watched a film and then went to bed with bedtime stories.

The next morning, parents picked up their little adventurers, and there was great joy. For many, it was their first night without parents.

We are already looking forward to the sleepover next school year!