School board / School Society
Non profit association / School Society / Board Members
The school is part of the Deutscher Schulverein New Delhi, a non-profit association registered in Germany.
The school's affairs are managed by the Board selected by the General Body. The Board decides on the fee structure and supervises the financial aspects.
The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets at regular intervals to discuss important issues concerning the school and the kindergarten.
The Board comprises 5 members elected by the annual assembly for a period of 2 years. Board members can be re-elected. Mr. Johannes Höber, Nominee of the German Embassy in New Delhi, Mr. Martin van Neerven, Principal and Ms. Anja Shivhare Head of Administration also attend board meetings in an advisory capacity. The Board can invite other participants to the meetings or request advice on individual points on the agenda.
The composition, rules of procedure and tasks of the Board are laid down in the Charter of the German School Society, New Delhi.
The General Annual Assembly elected its new board on the 30th of September 2024. During the first board meeting after the Annual General Meeting 2024 the responsibilities will be allocated
- Mr. Erik Illig Head of the Board and Finance
- Mr. Alexander Reck Deputy Head of the Board and HR and Busses
- Mrs. Verena Leuschner Public Relations
- Mr. Elvir Kitalic Property Management and New Construction
- Mr. Daniel Djimakong Kindergarten, School Development Groupand Secretary