Secondary I Programme
Basic concept of learning and working
Orientation Stage
Grade 5 at the DSND has been conceived as an orientation phase. Here classes actually take place at the grammar school (Gymnasium) level. At the end of grade 5 recommendations are made by the teaching staff concerning the choice of opting for Secondary General School (Hauptschule), Middle School (Realschule) or Grammar School (Gymnasium). However, ultimately it is parents' wishes that prevail when streaming students in grade 6. Nevertheless at the end of grade 6 it is the teaching staff that makes the final decision, in which stream a student is placed.
Regulations for Students of “Hauptschule” and “Realschule”
Students in the “Hauptschule” and “Realschule” stream in grades 6 to 10 cannot be taught in separate classes and thus will be taught according to the methods of a differentiated classroom. Lessons are generally held on a “Gymnasium” level, students of “Haupt-” and “Realschule” receive where ever possible separate tasks for classes and tests. French as a second foreign language is not mandatory for these students and can be replaced with the subject “Science Studies” from 7th grade onwards.
A switch between the different school streams is then possible up to the end of 8th grade if French as second foreign language was taken and satisfactory subject grades are achieved. The initiative to change school streams can be taken by the parents as well as by the teaching staff. The final decision rests with the staff.
Students wishing to complete their secondary education in 9 instead of 8 years can be streamed as “Realschüler” from grades 6-10. Upon passing the “Realschule” exams with a certain grade point average a student can repeat 10th grade and continue at “Gymnasium” level in order to qualify for the upper secondary (Sek. II) grades 11 and 12.
Basic concept of learning and working
Skills Curriculum
In the academic year 2011/12 the DSND approved the implementation of a Skills(Methods) Curriculum in the grades 5 to 10. Competence in skills, needed across the curriculum, such as self-organisation, working with texts and holding presentations are taught, thereby enabling students to draw on these skills as a method for independent problem solving.
Project Work
Student Based Learning - Each school quarter Grade 5 and 6 will work on a cross curricula project. At least two subject teachers together with the students will plan a project. The students engage in independent work, teamwork, learn conflict management, how to accept and give criticism, time management, different presentation forms and much more.
In grade 7 project learning will be accelerated in the 2nd and 3rd quarter. The students are incorporated in the decision making process from the choice of topics to the development of each project. This teaching approach allows students to be individually supported and challenged while requiring students to acquire and practise the competence and skill to work independently, research the topics and work on the final presentation. In grade 9 project learning is extended to include participation in public competitions. In English in the 2nd quarter students are individually instructed and supported in this task.
Bilingual Instruction
Bilingual Instruction
One of the leaving certificates issued at the DSND is the so called German International Abitur Certificate (DIAP) According to the examination regulations up to 50% of the required subjects can be taken in a foreign language. Therefore preparation for this starts at the secondary I level.
In grades 5 and 6 Geography is taught in German. For selected topics single lessons or short sequences are taught in English. Basic required vocabulary will also be given in English. The same applies for history lessons in grades 7 and 8. In these grades the geography lessons are taught in modules using English and German, sometimes the languages are used during different phases of the same lesson. The core vocabulary is given in both languages. In grades 9 and 10 history is taught bilingually.
The language used in geography starting in grade 9 is English. For those students newly admitted to the school who need catch up time specific transitional rules exist.
IT skills
IT skills
We support students in their quest to master current information and communication technology. Primary school students will have access to laptops if this is required for their school work. From 5th grade onwards regular workshops are offered to enable students to work with computers, software applications, spread sheets and presentations.
At the end of the first semester there will be at least 2 days of intensive instruction for the students in the lower secondary school. IT skills involving word processing with the latest software, spreadsheet processing and presentations will be taught.
At the end of the second semester the students in grade 4 to 7 will be instructed in the use of social networks, internet research,online safety etc.
Career Counselling
Career Counselling
Students from grade 9 onwards are offered career advice to help them make informed decisions about their future after graduation. The skills needed in decision making are covered in the subjects German, English, Geography and History. In grade 9 students learn how to write a CV and visit companies. In grade 10 the students organise a two week placement, which affords them the opportunity to experience the working world. In the grades 9-12 the school organises a careers advice weekend. Experts present their jobs, explain the qualifications required and offer a Q and A. A workshop involving the students in job application skills conclude the weekend session. In grade 12 individual career counselling is offered covering college admissions and job applications.
In grade 11 students are given information pertaining to colleges and universities as well as job opportunities.
School Curriculum
The curriculum used in the primary school since 2012/13 was developed by the DSND along the guidelines laid down by the overseas schools for the South East Asian region and the Province of Thuringia and Baden/Württemberg. The same applies to the core subjects in the high school. These form the basis for the Central Abitur held in the South East Asian Region, which is newly compiled each year. In the academic year 2013/14 the school developed its own curricula for grades 9 and 10, which were given to the KMK for approval.
Information on individual subjects
The DSND is a German-medium overseas school and the main language of instruction is German. Therefore proficiency in German is an essential requirement to ensure success in school. Special introductory courses can be arranged for students who do not possess the required level of proficiency in German. Students arriving mid-term/year from a school system in which German is not the language of instruction will be tested to establish the level of their language abilities/skills. If these do not meet the grade level requirements support will be offered.
Living in New Delhi we are in an English speaking environment. Many of our students have been enrolled in English schools. Therefore English is taught from kinder garden onwards and continues to play a vital role throughout all the grades. In order to ensure that English language proficiency is at a level acceptable at an overseas school, native English speakers are employed along with German English teachers from primary school level onwards. These native speakers instruct English to advanced students at a level nearly comparable to that of mother tongue speakers. The grades 6, 7, and 8 will be taught together. By dividing the students into 3 different ability groups all the students of the lower secondary level (Sek.I) will be offered the necessary support to enable them to work at a level appropriate to their language skill.
French is the compulsory second foreign language at the DSND. French is taught from grade 6 onwards through to the Abitur. New entrants to the school with a different foreign language are given adequate time to achieve the grade appropriate level. During this time they are not graded in this subject. Students who join the DSND in 10th grade with no prior knowledge of French can take “French Classes for Late Beginners”. These classes have to be continued through to 12th grade.
If students need time to catch up in other subjects, adequate time can also be given for this. However, the time frame is subject to agreement.
Physical Education
All grade levels of secondary level have two periods of physical education a week. In the hot months (from August to autumn break and after spring break to the end of the school year) swimming lessons will be taught. As the school does not have its own swimming pool, some of the neighboring embassies allow us access to their swimming pools.
You can find regulations concerning the air quality on our webpage: our-school/services/health-and-security
Religious Instruction
Religious Instruction is given to the primary students at DSND. Protestant or Roman Catholic religious instruction is given to students in combined grades from 5 to 10 at the DSND. Students of other religious denominations or students without any religious denomination may also attend Religious Instruction classes without receiving grades. However, if they do not wish to attend they are free to opt out of these classes. If there is adequate demand then ethics classes can be arranged.
Timetable for Grades 5 - 10
Subjects | Grade 5 | Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 | Grade 9 | Grade 10 |
German | 5 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 |
English | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 |
French | - | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
Art | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | 2 | 1 |
Music | 1^ | 1^ | 1 | 12 | 2 | 2 |
Mathematics | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
Biology | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Chemistry | - | - | - | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Physics | 1^ | 1^ | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
History | - | 2 | 2+ | 2+ | 3* | 3* |
Geography | 2+ | 2+ | 2# | 2# | 2° | 2° |
Indian Studies | 2 | - | - | - | - | - |
Religious Instruction Prot./Cath | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Physical Education | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Homeroom period | 1 | - | - | - | - | - |
Total | 30 | 30 | 32 | 34 | 36 | 35 |
^ Subjects are taught 2 lessons a week for one semester
+ Lessons are taught in German. For selected topics single lessons or short sequences are taught in English. Basic required vocabulary will also be given in English.
# lessons are taught in modules using English and German, sometimes the languages are used during different phases of the same lesson. The core vocabulary is given in both languages.
*lessons taught bilingually
° lessons taught in English
Secondary I dates
Mar 01
Mar 03
Mar 04
Mar 05
Mar 10